Small Habit Changes for Better Mental Health

By Grace | Wellness Retreats
5 min readSep 7, 2021


Taking good care of yourself does not just stop at having a healthy diet or leading an active life. In today’s world, where we are too busy and often full of stress, mental health is as important as our physical health.

Photo by Nubelson Fernandes on Unsplash

We all know that we can form good lifestyle habits by eating well and getting plenty of exercises. But what about those habits that ensure we stay happy, secure, and confident in our minds? Until and unless we have a healthy mind, anxiety and insecurity can catch us at any moment, get hold of us, and ultimately can affect our overall well-being.

Let’s look at some of the small habit changes that we can make in our lives that will help us stay emotionally strong and resilient in our minds, which in turn will automatically help our physical health –

  • Get Adequate Amount of Sleep

When you are sleeping, sleep wholeheartedly and don’t think about the tasks that need your attention when you wake up. We often rush from our sleep to get back to the pending work, ignoring the need of our body that requires 8 hours of sound sleep daily to heal.

When we do not sleep enough, our body does not rest enough, and our mind does not get enough time to reset. As a result, after waking up, we do not find our body and mind working at their optimum state, and thus, with little work or stress, we get over-exhausted. This is the vicious cycle that we find ourselves in when we deprive ourselves of the magic of a good night’s sleep.

Sleep deficiency also affects our mood and makes us more irritable. In contrast, an adequate amount of sleep has hugely positive impacts on our emotions, memory, and critical thinking abilities. So, sleep tight and peacefully to give your mind enough time to heal and rejuvenate for it to function properly and happily.

  • Start Thinking Positive

When we stay low, thinking about positivity is a huge ask! But studies have repeatedly shown that when we pump positive thoughts in our mind, our mood becomes happy, and we start feeling content and optimistic.

We all want to get into a joyous mindset practice; we must do everything we can to get into this fantastic cycle for a healthy mind.

Just start your mornings by telling yourself that today will be a good day. And don’t stop at that — start noticing all the good things around you, even the smallest ones. We all tend to remember the bad stuff more than paying attention to the good ones, and we badly need to reverse this cycle.

Pay attention to the smallest of the small things that have put a smile on your face, like sharing a smile with a stranger or enjoying a delicious meal. When you remind yourself of the positive things that exist in the world around you, your mind attaches more importance to positivity and helps you keep negativity at bay.

  • Eat Healthy & Exercise Plenty

“A healthy body harbors a healthy mind” — it might be a cliché, but it’s true letter by letter. We are biological machines and if we use bad quality fuel to oil our joints, the machine will start showing faulty signs sooner rather than later.

You do not need to survive only on protein shakes and broccoli but have a meal with fewer fats and cut down on bad carbohydrates and sugar. Cut the consumption of junk food as much as you can.

As far as exercise goes, even a regular 10-minute walk with fresh air to consume can have a huge positive impact on your mind. It stays fresh and gets a chance to commune with real nature. Sometimes, a quick stroll can make a world of difference.

  • Open Up & Connect with Others

Historically, human beings have always belonged to a tribe or a group. These days with constant Facebook and Instagram scrolling, we have shelled ourselves so much in our presence and identity that sometimes we think of ourselves as something that is made of stone. We do not interact face-to-face with people enough to draw feedback and build self-knowing. We rarely have opportunities to open up about our struggles. We think it will be foolish to talk about our silly problems.

But the truth is, as human beings, when we open up, seek support and guidance, it fills us with an incredibly fulfilling experience. We get to meet people, experience new things and thoughts and see that we are not alone with all kinds of problems.

Just connecting with others in the real world will boost your mental health to a great extent and will leave your mind with a fulfilling and happy place.

  • Take a Break

Our world these days is not just fast-paced; it is a rollercoaster ride filled with overwhelming information coming from all social media platforms. We need to take our foot off the gas and go easy on ourselves in these overwhelming times.

Take time to give yourself a break from the glowing screens. Give yourself a moment in nature for your mind to restore and heal. Take a vacation with your family or go on a holiday with your friends.

You can take the help of By Grace Retreats to give yourself some valuable time that will restore your Mental Health alignment and awaken your soul. Indulge yourself by attending the next By Grace Retreat and give your mind the soothing experience of a utopia.


Caring for mental health is a life-long process. With the small habit changes mentioned in this article, you can take a considerable step away from unnecessary mental stress. Make these small changes and embed these habits in your daily life that will pay off hugely in the future for you in having a healthy lifestyle.

Also, be flexible and learn to give yourself a break sometimes, which you can, of course, do by experiencing the Gateway of a Lifetime at By Grace Retreat. Just visit to provide yourself with some quiet time in nature that will help you reconnect with your lost mojo in a fulfilling way.



By Grace | Wellness Retreats

An abundant travel experience made for leaders, entrepreneurs, and innovators to connect and restore their overall wellness.