How to Find Your People

By Grace | Wellness Retreats
5 min readOct 31, 2021


Friendship is a bond between people that is built on mutual affection and respect. Since the bond is highly interpersonal, it can sometimes be difficult to either find the right people or make a life-long friendship with people with whom you share common interests.

Photo by Javier Allegue Barros on Unsplash

Friendship is a bond between people that is built on mutual affection and respect. Since the bond is highly interpersonal, it can sometimes be difficult to either find the right people or make a life-long friendship with people with whom you share common interests.

Especially in today’s busy world where time is an expensive commodity, meeting like-minded people can be much more difficult. However, suppose an individual seriously lacks in the department of having true friends in their personal life. In that case, the struggles and turmoil that come in the different stages of life become impossible to deal with for that individual.

This happens because they do not have a person in their life with whom they can share everything without the fear of being judged and can depend on them wholeheartedly without any complexity.

A true friend can be a life savior. If you are somebody who struggles to socialize or faces difficulty in finding the right people to associate with, here are a few tips with which you can start the process of finding the right people and turning them into genuinely loving and caring friends –

  • Always Keep Your Intentions Clear

This is important, right from day one. As long as you do not know what you like in a person or what qualities of a person you desire to have in yourself, you will either end up having a lot of ‘acquaintances’ without having a single person whom you can call ‘friend’, or you will always hang out with the wrong kind of people who do not share your values or qualities or interests.

First, clear your head, think about WHAT kind of people you want to spend your time with, and then think about WHY you want to spend time that way with that archetype of a person. Once you are crystal clear in your mind about these two answers, you will see that there are very few people whom you may desire to socialize with and those people you do want to spend ideal time with particular shared interests, life goals, dreams, aspirations, or values that you have in your life.

The moment you get clear about your intentions, your wants, and needs, from that very moment, you will see that you are only connecting with like-minded people and getting the support that you always wished for. Once you find your tribe, you can slowly forge the relationship of lifelong friendship.

  • Discover Yourself Thoroughly

This is a result of the first tip. If you have difficulty finding and connecting with like-minded people, start by asking yourself what lights (fires) you up.

It might be sports, science, arts, or the Universe in itself — whatever you are passionate about, get involved with it. For example, if you love to read books, get a membership to a library. If you are into craft and creativity, take up an art class.

When you are involved with your passion, and in an environment that encourages your passion to develop and flow, you will be surrounded by people who have that same passion as yours. This is perhaps the best and the easiest way of finding your kindred crew.

When you are in a space surrounded by like-minded people who share the same interests and are excited about similar things, there is a high chance that you will end up making a lifelong friendship with quite a few of them — simply because both of you will be thinking alike.

  • Drop All Your Judgments

This is very important because we all agree and do the most straightforward thing–judge people. Most of the time, our judgment calls are simply based on the most obvious things on the surface.

If a guy has crazy green hair and many piercings, we judge them to be a punk. If a girl loves to have an open relationship in life, we judge their characters.

Well, do their choices have anything to do with our lives? Absolutely not. The moment we take our judgmental glasses off, we might see that there lives a person with whom we can resonate beyond the appearance. You never know.

Instead of going by their looks or what an individual wears, try to discover the person as they are without your judgments and inhibitions. You might find the kindest of the kind person in ripped jeans and pink hair.

  • Act to Connect

When you finally meet a person or a group of people with whom you feel comfortable, do not hesitate but be a little brave to start a connection.

Since you were comfortable in their group or with an individual, chances are they will not reject you. Take the help of words and tell them that you admire them or simply enjoy their company. But do not go overboard and make them suspicious.

When you act, you show that the other person or a particular group of people is important to you. If you are honest and genuine with your actions, the relationship that you will form will outlast any mortal bonds. No matter how poetic it sounds, it is absolutely true.


To form deeper friendships and lifelong relationships, you will have to be honest and free of any pretence. When people see you as an honest, supportive, loving, and caring person, people with these very qualities will get attracted to you.

Always remember, if you are the good kind, you will always get the right kind. Even if you are an introvert, it is important to know that just one good friend and a strong connection with them is more than enough for a single lifetime. You do not need to have hundreds of friends to lead a good life.

If you want to have good experiences in life with a group of like-minded people whom you can be friends with, attend the experience of a lifetime at our By Grace Retreat. Just visit to create memories and enjoy a lifetime of experiences. This adventurous retreat will give you a unique chance to form lifelong friendships with people whose desires, thoughts, and dreams are very much aligned with yours.

Thanks for reading!



By Grace | Wellness Retreats

An abundant travel experience made for leaders, entrepreneurs, and innovators to connect and restore their overall wellness.