How to Find Out Who You Really Are

By Grace | Wellness Retreats
5 min readOct 31, 2021

When we know exactly what we want from our lives, we can focus on our strengths and fix our weaknesses rather than be envious of others’ success. Knowing ourselves gives us the power to lead a free and independent life –a life with a clear purpose.

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Figuring out who we actually are is a challenge for many of us. More often than not, we end up living a life that is completely based on someone else’s wishes. In the twilight years of our existence, we wonder — painfully — how everything could have been different.

Quite a few of us spend many, many years of our life working endlessly to make a dream successful, which has nothing to do with us. But we still do it because of our societal norms. However, suppose we become a lot braver and dare to follow the call of our heart instead of following another person’s footsteps. In that case, we will discover our originality and how special we are from others.

When we know exactly what we want from our lives, we can focus on our strengths and fix our weaknesses rather than be envious of others’ success. Knowing ourselves gives us the power to lead a free and independent life –a life with a clear purpose.

Let’s look at some of the ways by which we can know ourselves clearly and unlock the understanding of our own lives –

  • Understand Your Core Values

This is the first step in the journey of self-discovery. When you understand your core values and beliefs, you know the reasons behind your specific actions.

Remember that your values and beliefs lay the groundwork of your decisions in life, the choices you make, the career you pursue, and the life that you lead. They are your foundation, and therefore, not only do you need to understand them but also, you need to define them clearly.

If you find it difficult to know where to start, simply look into your past and search for the incidents where you stood up for something. Also, think about those times when you didn’t take a stand, but later you wished if only you could. Even the smallest minor incidents matter a lot, for they show you a clear picture of your integrity and values.

  • Let Yourself Evolve

Just like time and life on earth, your identity is not fixed, and it keeps on changing with new experiences and circumstances.

You learn a lesson with every bad experience, and wisdom comes from the many bad experiences where you realize your mistake. All these ups and downs in life are essential for learning and growing as an individual.

As you keep on learning and experiencing new things in life, you start adapting to life with a positive mindset. You understand that change is vital, and to survive, you need to reinvent yourself accordingly.

In this process, you will see that the limitations you had previously set upon yourself were simply false beliefs. Since you had evolved from that situation, you have become much more confident in similar circumstances.

As you embrace change, you will be able to ride the waves of progress with your full potential and free of all kinds of fears.

All you need to do is take some time alone and think about the dreams you had two years back from now. Do you have the same dreams, or with time have your dreams evolved or have changed completely?

This is an excellent and straightforward evaluation exercise that all of us can do to track whether we are becoming wiser in life or staying stuck in our past.

  • Have an Open Mind

To exactly find your inner desires and thoughts, you will have to have an open mind. You cannot be judgmental over your own beliefs and values.

Instead, you need to give yourself an abundance of acceptance, which will provide you with new perspectives on life. Suppose something bothered your naïve mind a couple of years ago. In that case, you will see how childish it was when looking through maturity and wisdom.

You will become a better human being with a mindset that happily accommodates others’ feelings, emotions, and sufferings. Not only will you become a learned and understanding individual but also, you will be a person who is sensitive to others’ needs and struggles.

Having an open mind will also give you tremendous emotional balance in life. You will have a broader understanding of life. You will always focus on the bigger picture of everything rather than getting involved in petty struggles over trivial things.

This will, in turn, make you calm, and you will be less desperate about chasing success and more about becoming a better human being who creates a difference in the world.


A life that has a well-defined purpose is a life that is peaceful and fulfilling. When you are clear about the limitations that hold you or the forces that drive you, you will know exactly what needs to be done to succeed in life.

With clarity comes confidence — the more clear you are about your life goals, the more determined and confident you will be in achieving those goals. You will stop at nothing until and unless you reach your desired destination.

When you know who you are and what will make you happy in this world, you stop wasting crucial time spinning your wheels. Instead, you start focusing on the essential and beneficial things to you, which gives you quick success in life that you can be highly proud of.

So, instead of looking at others and what they are doing to succeed, start the journey within you to know exactly what you want. By Grace Retreat allows you to unlock and discover your authentic identity in an environment that is serene and tranquil. Just visit and book yourself some exciting life-altering experiences at our annual retreat program.

Thanks for reading!



By Grace | Wellness Retreats

An abundant travel experience made for leaders, entrepreneurs, and innovators to connect and restore their overall wellness.